
Bacteriofages delivery by courier and delivery service «Nova Poshta». Place orders by phone 0-800-307-407
  • Phagotherapy
    using the bacteriophages
    for treatment of bacterial infections,
    including those resistant to antibiotics.
  • Bacteriophages
    a safe alternative to antibiotics
  • Bacteriophages
    bacterial viruses, natural antibacterial agents
    safe for the humans and animals

Indications for use

The experience of colleagues physicians in application of phago-products will help to choose the optimal prevention and treatment regimen for a particular infectious disease

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The treatment of cystitis using the bacteriophages is reasonable with acute as well as chronic forms of disease, especially considering inefficiency of traditional uroanticeptics and antibiotics. The widespread causative agents of infectious cystitis are destroyed by the bacteriophages contained in Pyophage®.

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The agents of human opportunistic pathogenic flora often develop multi-drug resistance to antibiotics. Using the bacteriophages in treatment of pyoinflammatory diseases of ear, nose and throat allows not only eliminating the infection, but also stimulating the own immune responses of the body.

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In treatment of the stomatitis it is crucial to provide disinfection of the oral cavity, eliminate the pain and inflammation, and prevent the spreading of infection. For prevention and treatment of stomatitis bacteriophage products are applied, in particular Pyophage®. Bacteriophages lyze the most common agents of pyoinflammatory diseases of oral cavity.

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Acute enteric infection

Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment of enteric infections in the most severe cases. Typically the so called enteric antiseptics are used – the products acting only in the intestinal lumen and not always efficient. Bacteriophages are an alternative to the traditional antibacterial products.

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Wounds, burns, ulcers

Bacteriophages, in particular Pyophage ® product, are used for prevention and treatment of pyogenic septic complications of wound processes. The product has a bactericidal effect on a series of common pathogens, including antibiotic resistant ones.

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To eliminate the opportunistic pathogenic microflora it is reasonable to apply the corresponding bacteriophages. The phago-products are highly specific – they kill only the definite bacteria without affecting the useful microflora.

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to bacteriophage therapy

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Phage therapy - is a field of medical microbiology, which is now actively developing and is the subject of numerous scientific and clinical studies, the "hot topic" of medical forums and congresses.


Bacteriophages against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains

The purpose of this study is investigation of the sensitivity of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant strains, to bacteriophage drugs and determination of possibility of using this agent for the treatment of staphylococcal infections


Phage Therapy in the Resistance Era: Where Do We Stand and Where Are We Going?

This review summarizes recent phage therapy clinical trials and patient cases and outlines the fundamentals behind phage treatment strategies under development, mainly through bench-to-bedside approaches


Bacteriophages and Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

The decrease of bacterial growth and the covalent binding of synthetic antibodies to viruses - both goals can be achieved by bacteriophages