Today, when the world suffers from problems of antibiotic resistance the access to alternative antibacterial therapy is a very urgent question.
In different countries there are different approaches to get access to a medicine which is not approved, but has the potential to treat the disease. This kind of approaches for unapproved medicinal products (or treatments) have different names in different countries, for instance: Special permissions for import/use of unproved medicines, Name Patient Program, Patient Named Product, Compassionate Use, Expand Access Programs and so on. Basically, all these terms mean the same – permission for the access for the patient to available medicinal product or treatment.
As bacteriophage cocktails are registered in Ukraine as medicinal products as well as produced under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) production facilities, which are regularly inspected by Ukrainian authorities, these products can be proposed for Name Patient Programs or Expand Access Programs according to the legislation of your country.
If you are a physician or a patient and you wish to gain access to bacteriophage therapy, which is not available in your country, please, contact us about supply of the products to you.
Fill in the form to purchase the product and get it delivered to you.
We have wide experience of worldwide delivery of our products to satisfy your needs.
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